Various Reproductive Parameters of Female Llamas and Alpacas



Age of puberty

10–12 months

Recommended age of first breeding

At least 2 years and weighing >40 kg (alpaca) or 90 kg (llama)

Gestation period

332–352 days

Size of a mature follicle

>7 mm

Time of pregnancy diagnosis

Female rejects male: 15 days after mating

Transrectal ultrasonography: >21 days after mating

Rectal palpation: >45 days after mating (llamas)

Transcutaneous ultrasonography: 45–60 days after mating

Duration of stage I labor

1–6 hr

Duration of stage II labor

< 30 min

Duration of stage III labor (passage of placenta)

4–6 hr

Time interval after birth to conceive again

14–21 days