The National Aquatic Animal Health Plan

Reviewed/Revised Oct 2021

    The US National Aquatic Animal Health Plan (NAAHP) was developed to facilitate the legal movement of all aquatic animals and their eggs and products in interstate and international commerce; protect the health and thereby improve the quality and productivity of farmed and wild aquatic animals; ensure the availability of diagnostic, inspection, and certification services; and minimize the impact of diseases when they occur in farmed or wild aquatic animals. The NAAHP is a federal guidance document intended to help direct federal, state, and tribal efforts in the areas listed above. Work is ongoing to continue to refine and implement relevant and urgent aspects of the NAAHP. The USDA APHIS Veterinary Services has also recently spearheaded efforts, in collaboration with the National Aquaculture Association, to develop Commercial Aquaculture Health Program Standards (CAHPS), a voluntary producer-driven program with specific reference to the importance of working with aquaculture veterinarians.

    USDA APHIS is the lead federal agency for commercial aquaculture and the protection of aquatic animal health. See their Web site for useful links to access additional information on the USDA APHIS aquaculture program.

    The OIE sets the standards for members of the World Trade Organization with regard to determination of internationally reportable diseases and their management, and it monitors these diseases with the cooperation of member nations (see the Aquatic Animal Health Code).

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