Drugs Used for Treatment of Status Epilepticus


Species and Dosage


Dogs, cats: 0.5–2 mg/kg, IV bolus; can be repeated 2–3 times at intervals of 5–10 min; CRIa 0.5–2 mg/kg/hr

Foals: 0.05–0.4 mg/kg, IV slowly

Adult horses: 25–50 mg/horse, IV

Ruminants: 0.5–1.5 mg/kg, IV or IM


Dogs, cats: 0.2 mg/kg, IV bolus; can be repeated 2–3 times at intervals of 5–10 min; CRI 0.05-0.5 mg/kg/hr


Dogs, cats: For those not already on maintenance phenobarbital, loading dose of 15 mg/kg, slowly IV. Alternatively, 3–6 mg/kg, IV or IM, every 15–30 min until a total dosage of 20 mg/kg is reached. In an animal already receiving maintenance phenobarbital, a single 3 mg/kg bolus, IV or IM, CRI 3–10 mg/hr to effect.

Foals, adult horses: loading dose of 12–20 mg/kg, IV over 20 min, then 6.65–9 mg/kg, IV over 20 min every 8–12 hr

Sodium pentobarbital

Dogs, cats: 2–15 mg/kg, IV, to effect to stop motor activity

Foals, adult horses: 2–4 mg/kg, IV to effect


Dogs: 20–60 mg/kg, IV; can be repeated at 8-hr intervals


Dogs, cats: 2.5–4 mg/kg, IV, to effect to stop motor activity; CRI 0.1–0.3 mg/kg/min to effect


Dogs: 2–5 mg/kg as slow IV infusion

Foals, adult horses: 5–10 mg/kg, IV followed by 1–5 mg/kg, IV, IM, or PO, every 2–4 hr until seizures stop and maintenance dose started

a CRI = constant-rate infusion