Selecting a Rabbit

ByDiane McClure, DVM, PhD, DACLAM
Reviewed/Revised Aug 2020

    Buying Your First Rabbit

    Questions to consider when buying a rabbit:

    • Do you have a suitable location for a rabbit cage (indoors) or hutch (outdoors)?

    • Who will be the main caregiver for the rabbit? A young child, an older child, or an adult?

    • Do you want a small or large rabbit? Larger rabbits are more docile and robust; these are recommended for younger children with adult supervision. Smaller rabbits are more suited for older, more responsible children and adults; these require greater care when handling.

    • Do you want a rabbit with long or short fur? Rabbits with short fur should be combed at least twice a week. Rabbits with long fur require more grooming. Combing rabbits helps prevent hairballs, which can block the intestines or cause other medical problems.

    • What other characteristics are important to you (color, ear type, sex)?

    • Do you plan to purchase more than 1 rabbit? Rabbits must be evaluated for compatibility. Keeping more rabbits also means providing a larger cage or hutch.

    Sources of pet rabbits include pet shops, humane societies, breeders, and rescue organizations. When thinking about a rabbit as a pet, consider who will take care of the rabbit, where will it be kept, and what size, color, and fur length you prefer. When selecting a rabbit, make sure the animal is healthy and that its environment is clean. Ask what type of diet the rabbit has been fed and how it was reared and handled. Rabbits are most active in the early morning and evening, so visiting at those times of day may give you a better picture of the rabbit’s temperament.

    A healthy rabbit should have well-groomed, shiny fur with no bare patches or obvious wounds. Fur that is wet or matted, especially around the chin or under the tail, may be a sign of medical problems. There should be no discharge from the eyes or nose and no discharge or crusting in the ears. Rabbits that are healthy are usually alert and curious when active. They should not be reluctant to move and should not show any lameness or stiffness.

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