Parasitic Schistosomes of Ruminants

Type of Schistosomes

Geographic Distributions

S mattheei

Southeastern Africa, from the Cape Province in South Africa northward to Tanzania and Zambia

S bovis

Mediterranean region and Middle East, and is common in northern, western, and eastern Africa (except Egypt) extending southward to Central Angola, southern Congo, and possibly northern Zambia

S curassoni

Senegal, Mauritania, Mali, Niger, and Nigeria

S spindale

India (Karnataka, Maharastra, Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamilnadu and Assam), Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam

S indicum

Indian subcontinent, Bangladesh

S nasale

India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Myanmar

S incognitum

India, Thailand, and Indonesia

S japonicum

Endemic in several countries of the Far East