Aflatoxicosis in Poultry

ByDulmelis Sandu, DVM, MAM, MS, DACPV
Reviewed/Revised Dec 2023

    The aflatoxins are toxic and carcinogenic metabolites of Aspergillus spp (Aspergillus flavus, A parasiticus, and others) that affect poultry as well as other animals. See aflatoxicosis fatty liver photograph.

    Aflatoxicosis in poultry primarily affects the liver but can involve immunologic, digestive, and hematopoietic functions (see normal and affected liver micrographs). Aflatoxicosis adversely affects the following:

    • weight

    • feed intake

    • feed conversion efficiency

    • pigmentation

    • processing yield

    • egg production and eggshell quality

    • male and female fertility

    • hatchability

    Susceptibility to aflatoxins varies; however, in general, ducklings, turkeys, and pheasants are susceptible, whereas chickens, quail, and guinea fowl are relatively resistant.

    Aflatoxicosis causes the following:

    • general unthriftiness, with high morbidity and mortality rates possible

    • lesions in the liver, with reddening due to necrosis and congestion or yellowing due to lipid accumulation

    • hemorrhages in liver and other tissues

    Aflatoxins are carcinogenic; however, tumor formation is rare with natural disease, probably because the animals do not live long enough for this to occur.

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