Posthitis and Vulvitis in Sheep and Goats

ByJohn WA Larsen, BVSc, PhD
Reviewed/Revised Nov 2020

    Two common and distinct forms of posthitis and vulvitis are recognized in small ruminants. The first, referred to as enzootic posthitis and vulvitis, is associated with high-protein diets, infection with Corynebacterium renale or other urease-producing organisms, locally high concentrations of ammonia, and severe posthitis. The second is referred to as necrotic or ulcerative balanoposthitis and vulvitis. Its cause is unclear, but Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides is implicated, as are other Mycoplasma spp organisms of the Histophilus/Haemophilus group, and potentially viruses, such as caprine herpesvirus 1.

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